PowerTrade specializes in USD-settled, euro-style crypto options and offers a full-suite of products including Bitcoin and Ethereum options, perpetuals, futures, spot markets and soon alt-coin options.

Some features of PowerTrade include:

  • USD Pricing Terms: All contracts are quoted and settled in USD, simplifying trading and risk management.

  • European-Style, USD Settled: While the options can only be exercised at expiry, they can be bought and sold on the open market at any time before expiry. This allows for more flexibility while maintaining a risk structure that avoids early exercise.

  • Fractional Contracts: With a minimum contract size of just $1 USD, PowerTrade offers accessibility to traders of all sizes.

  • Multi-leg Strategies: PowerTrade supports complex options strategies involving multiple legs.

  • Multi-Collateral Support: PowerTrade supports multiple types of collateral, allowing traders to efficiently utilize their capital and optimize their margin.

  • Professional Grade SPAN/Portfolio Margin: PowerTrade uses a professional grade SPAN/Portfolio Margin system, providing more capital-efficient and risk-sensitive margin requirements.

Request-For-Quote (RFQ)

A key feature of PowerTrade, the RFQ system allows traders to obtain instant price quotes for their desired strategies. It enables users to build custom multi-leg strategies, up to 10-leg options structures, with no minimum block size. The RFQ system provides rapid response times and competitive quotes 24/7, supporting efficient and effective trading. This guide will cover the intricacies of the RFQ system, its unique features, and how it can be utilized to optimize your trading strategies on PowerTrade.

Get ready to explore this powerful tool.

Understanding RFQ - Request-For-Quote

The Request-For-Quote (RFQ) system is a key feature of PowerTrade, providing traders with instant price quotes for their strategies. But what exactly is RFQ, and how does it benefit crypto traders?

Definition and Explanation of RFQ

An RFQ is just a process that allows traders to invite market makers to quote bids and offers on specific products, in this case specific option trading structures.

The RFQ process typically includes the following steps:

  • The trader outlines the specifics of their desired trade – which could include complex, multi-leg strategies involving up to 10 options structures.

  • This request is sent to multiple market makers, who can then provide a quote for this specific trade structure.

  • The trader reviews the quotes received and decides which one offers the best value.

PowerTrade’s RFQ system provides rapid response times and competitive quotes 24/7, ensuring that traders can execute their strategies efficiently and effectively.

Benefits of Using an RFQ System

The RFQ system brings several benefits to the table for traders:

  • Price Efficiency: By soliciting quotes from multiple market makers, traders are likely to get a more competitive price for their trade.

  • Flexibility: The RFQ system supports custom multi-leg strategies, allowing traders to execute complex trades that might not be possible in a standard order book.

  • Speed: The RFQ system provides rapid response times, ensuring that traders can execute their strategies promptly.

  • Transparency: Traders can review multiple quotes and choose the one that provides the best value, leading to increased transparency in pricing.

  • Accessibility: With no minimum block size, the RFQ system can accommodate traders of all sizes, from small retail investors to large institutional traders.

By understanding and effectively utilizing the RFQ system, traders can enhance their trading strategies and performance on PowerTrade.

How PowerTrade's RFQ Stands Out

PowerTrade's RFQ system offers a unique blend of features designed to empower traders and optimize the trading process. Here, we delve deeper into the standout features of PowerTrade's RFQ system.

PowerTrade's RFQ Automation

PowerTrade's RFQ system automates the entire process, from sending requests to receiving and comparing quotes. This eliminates manual steps and accelerates the trading process, allowing traders to focus on strategy and decision-making.

Anonymous Two-Way Quotes

PowerTrade's RFQ system provides anonymous two-way quotes. This means that market makers do not know the identity of the trader when they provide a quote, ensuring unbiased pricing. It also allows traders to both buy and sell using the RFQ system, providing flexibility in executing their strategies.

Strategies: Executing Complex Trades

One of the standout features of PowerTrade's RFQ system is its support for complex, multi-leg strategies. Traders can execute trades involving multiple options or futures contracts in a single order. This capability is not common in traditional order books and sets PowerTrade's RFQ system apart.

RFQ Stream: Comparing Two-Way Quotes

PowerTrade's RFQ system provides a stream of two-way quotes, making it easy for traders to compare prices from different market makers. This feature enhances transparency and allows traders to make informed decisions based on the best available price.

These features, combined with the benefits of using an RFQ system in crypto trading, make PowerTrade's RFQ a powerful tool for traders aiming to optimize their strategies and performance.

Deep Liquidity with PowerTrade’s RFQ

Deep liquidity is a crucial factor in a robust trading environment. PowerTrade's RFQ system is designed to provide this crucial advantage to its traders. Let's understand what it means and how it impacts trading strategies.

PowerTrade's Deep Liquidity in RFQ

Liquidity refers to the ability to quickly buy or sell an asset without causing a significant change in its price. In other words, a market is said to be 'liquid' if you can execute large orders without significantly affecting the market price.

PowerTrade's RFQ system offers deep liquidity, meaning it has a high capacity for buying or selling without causing drastic price changes. This is achieved by pooling quotes from a multitude of market makers, effectively aggregating their liquidity. This feature is particularly beneficial for institutional traders or anyone executing large orders.

Impact on Trading Strategies

Deep liquidity provided by PowerTrade's RFQ system has several implications for trading strategies:

  • Reduced Slippage: Deep liquidity reduces the likelihood of price slippage, a situation where the execution price of an order differs from the expected price. This is particularly important for large orders where slippage can significantly impact profitability.

  • Better Pricing: More liquidity generally leads to tighter spreads between the buy and sell prices, which can result in better execution prices for traders.

  • Faster Execution: Deep liquidity can speed up order execution, as there are more potential buyers and sellers. This is crucial in a fast-paced market like cryptocurrency trading, where prices can change rapidly.

  • Complex Strategies: Deep liquidity allows traders to execute complex, multi-leg strategies more effectively. These strategies often involve executing several trades simultaneously, which requires substantial liquidity.

By providing deep liquidity through its RFQ system, PowerTrade enables traders to execute their strategies effectively and efficiently, regardless of their size or complexity.

Exploring the Strategies

Understanding the different trading strategies supported by PowerTrade's RFQ system is crucial for traders to maximize their trading potential. Below is a brief description of each strategy:

Call Butterfly

A Call Butterfly is a neutral strategy that involves two long call options at a middle strike price and short call options at a lower and higher strike price. It's designed to profit from low volatility in the underlying asset.

Call Calendar Spread

The Call Calendar Spread is a strategy involving the selling of a short-term call option and the buying of a long-term call option, both with the same strike price. It aims to profit from the time decay of options.

Call Spread

A Call Spread, or bull call spread, involves buying a call option at a certain strike price and selling another call option at a higher strike price. It's a bullish strategy, betting that the underlying asset will rise in price.

Put Butterfly

A Put Butterfly is similar to the Call Butterfly, but it uses put options instead. It involves two long put options at a middle strike price and short put options at a lower and higher strike price.

Put Calendar Spread

The Put Calendar Spread involves selling a short-term put option and buying a long-term put option with the same strike price. This strategy aims to profit from the time decay of options, similar to the Call Calendar Spread.

Risk Reversal

A Risk Reversal strategy involves selling a put option and buying a call option, or vice versa. This strategy is often used as a hedge against price movements in the underlying asset.


A Straddle involves buying a call and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. It's a strategy that profits from large price movements in either direction.


A Strangle is similar to a straddle, but the call and put options have different strike prices. It's a strategy that profits from large price movements in either direction, but requires a larger price change to profit than a straddle.

Put Condor

A Put Condor is similar to the Call Condor but uses put options instead. Like the Call Condor, it's designed to profit from low volatility in the underlying asset.

Iron Butterfly

An Iron Butterfly involves a short straddle and a long strangle, with all options having the same expiration date. It's a neutral strategy that profits from low volatility in the underlying asset.

Iron Condor

An Iron Condor involves a long and a short call spread and a long and short put spread. It's a neutral strategy designed to profit from low volatility in the underlying asset.

Single Leg

A Single Leg strategy involves buying or selling a single option. It's the simplest form of an options strategy and can be either bullish or bearish.

Call Spread 1x2

A Call Spread 1x2 involves buying a call option and selling two call options at a higher strike price. This is a bullish strategy that profits from a moderate to large increase in the price of the underlying asset.

Call Spread 1x3

A Call Spread 1x3 is similar to the Call Spread 1x2, but involves selling three call options at a higher strike price. It's a bullish strategy that profits from a moderate to large increase in the price of the underlying asset, with the potential for greater profits and higher risk.


Custom strategies are created by combining different options contracts in unique ways to fit a trader's specific goals and risk tolerance. PowerTrade's RFQ system allows traders to build and execute these custom multi-leg strategies efficiently, enabling sophisticated risk management and profit opportunities.

The PowerTrade Advantage

Choosing the right exchange can significantly impact a trader's success. Here's a recap of why PowerTrade stands out and how traders can benefit from the RFQ system:

Key Differentiators

  • USD Pricing Terms: PowerTrade simplifies trading and risk management by quoting and settling all contracts in USD.

  • European-Style, USD Settled: PowerTrade's options can only be settled at the expiry, reducing early exercise risks and allowing traders to maintain their positions until expiry.

  • Fractional Contracts: With a minimum contract size of just $1 USD, PowerTrade makes options trading accessible to traders of all sizes.

  • Multi-leg Strategies: PowerTrade supports complex options strategies involving multiple legs, providing traders with greater flexibility and opportunities for profit.

  • Multi-Collateral Support: PowerTrade supports multiple types of collateral, allowing traders to efficiently utilize their capital and optimize their margin.

  • Professional Grade SPAN/Portfolio Margin: PowerTrade uses a professional grade SPAN/Portfolio Margin system, providing more accurate and risk-sensitive margin requirements.

Benefits of PowerTrade's RFQ System

  • Automated Workflow: PowerTrade's RFQ system automates the process of requesting and receiving quotes, saving traders valuable time and reducing the potential for errors.

  • Anonymous Two-Way Quotes: PowerTrade provides anonymous two-way quotes, protecting traders' identities and strategies.

  • No Minimum Block Size: PowerTrade's RFQ system allows traders to request quotes for any size of trade, providing flexibility and accessibility.

  • Fast Response Times: PowerTrade's RFQ system provides rapid response times, ensuring traders can quickly execute their strategies and take advantage of market opportunities.

  • Competitive Quotes: PowerTrade's RFQ system provides competitive quotes 24/7, ensuring traders always get the best possible prices.

  • RFQ Stream: PowerTrade's RFQ stream allows traders to easily compare two-way quotes, providing valuable market insights and helping traders make informed decisions.

By combining these unique features with a powerful RFQ system, PowerTrade provides a competitive advantage for professional and institutional traders.


As we've explored in this comprehensive guide, PowerTrade's RFQ system is a powerful tool designed to empower professional and institutional traders. Here's a quick recap of the key points we've covered:

  • PowerTrade's Unique Features: From its USD pricing terms to its support for multi-leg strategies and top alt-coin options, PowerTrade offers a range of unique features that cater to the needs of professional and institutional traders.

  • Understanding RFQ: We delved into the concept of Request-For-Quote systems and discussed their benefits in the crypto trading space.

  • PowerTrade's RFQ System: We detailed the standout features of PowerTrade's RFQ system, including its automated workflow, anonymous two-way quotes, and the ability to execute complex strategies.

  • Deep Liquidity: PowerTrade's deep liquidity ensures efficient and effective trading, even for large orders.

  • Trading Strategies: We provided a brief overview of the various trading strategies that traders can execute on PowerTrade's platform, from Call Butterflies to Custom strategies.

  • The PowerTrade Advantage: We rounded up the unique selling points of PowerTrade and its RFQ system, including its multi-collateral support and professional grade SPAN/Portfolio Margin system.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or an institution, PowerTrade's RFQ system is designed to provide you with the most efficient and effective trading experience.

We encourage you to leverage the power of PowerTrade's RFQ system to optimize your trading strategies and experience the advantages it offers first-hand. After all, the best way to understand the benefits of a system is to try it out for yourself. Happy trading!